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Welcome to TopRankinGames


Welcome to TopRankinGames, the newest ranking site on the internet. Doesn't matter if you are a game owner or a user, we will provide you with continuous updates and upgrades on our site to satisfy all your gaming needs.

Some of the features we offer:
• Your chance to vote for your favourite games
• Review and leave a comment
• Join our forums
• Submit a game if you are the owner of it

So what are you waiting for, register to TopRankinGames to get these benefits and more!

Game Statistics


Game Stats

  • Registered Members: 3294
  • Registered Sites: 192
  • Voting Stats

  • Votes Today: 9
  • Votes This Week: 3472
  • Votes This Month: 4089
  • Votes This Year: 55805
  • Total Votes: 861503
  • New Stuff

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  • Weekly reset every Sunday at 11:59 PM
    It is currently September 8, 2024 12:25:28 am Top Web Games Voting Portal web game development forums Your Gamers Community